How to cancel an order
Cancellation Policy
If you have placed an order and received a confirmation email, you can still cancel the order provided that it has not been processed to the shipped stage.
You will receive an email from us to confirm your item has been shipped. You might not receive this email if:
- You made a spelling mistake when you entered your email address. Login and check your registered email address
- Spam filters in your email program may block this type of email.
At any time you can login to your account, go to ‘orders’ and check the status of your order. If your order status is ‘processing’ you can check your order details to see if your item/s has been shipped.
To cancel an order before this stage, please reply to the confirmation email and write ‘CANCEL MY ORDER’ in the subject box; please include your name, order number, product codes and the postcode of your invoice address in the email.
If your order has already reached the shipped stage and you wish to cancel it, you will be advised to wait until you receive the items and then follow our returns procedure. Goods should be returned in their original condition following cancellation.